About the club:
The Treasure State Retriever Club was established in 1947 as the Helena Retriever Club and in 1972 the club was reorganized into our current name.
The 108 acres Bob Sparks training grounds are located in Elk Park on the east side of the Continental Divide. It has a large lake in the center of the property, and several other training ponds.
We hold AKC hunt tests, AKC Derby-Qual, HRC hunt tests. We offer handler seminars, judges seminars, and training seminars frequently.
President, Mike Heard
Vice President, Joy Lucero
Secretary, Julie Heard
Treasurer, Julie Heard
Director, Bob Ekblom
Director, Cory Donahue
Director, Jennifer Balcerzak
Treasure State Retriever Club would like to highlight the following honorary life members. These folks have gone above and beyond the call to benefit the Treasure State Retriever Club. Honorary life memberships are presented to members by the board of directors who have shown their dedication to this organization by holding office or board position, chairing events, working tirelessly at all events, caring for the club grounds etc for over 10 years.
General Membership $100.00
Junior Membership $50.00
All memberships are approval by the Board of Directors each Calendar year The Annual Membership drive is between January 1, through March 31. Any membership paid after March 31 of the given year will not have voting rights. Out of State Membership will not have voting rights. Please note if you mail in your membership it can taken up to two weeks for your membership to be approved.
Membership is required to train or camp on our grounds, no exceptions! There is no guest policy, and our insurance provider require all members to be insured through our club policy. Your membership paid for this insurance. Please do not invite family, friends or guests who are not listed on your membership.

40 Retriever Road,
Elk Park, MT 59701